Pre-made programs

Functional physique

Your body is a work of art. Its more than just looks, its expression. The human body expresses its beauty through movement, Functional Physique is designed to enhance the flow of your movements, your posture, muscle-fat tissue balance. Achieve the goal of becoming more physically defined while continuing to move like the fluid, dynamic beings we are. You will need access to medicine balls, a cable machine or resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, boxes, barbell, trap bar (preferably), landmine attachment (preferably) and vipr tubes (preferably).


Mostability is a made up word combining stability, mobility and the most ability. In this program the goal is to help your body endure intense movements, make regular everyday tasks easier, make exerting yourself less of a chore or if you’re an athlete you’ll encounter faster more intense play with less injury. Mostability is a term created by the Gray Institute, you can learn more by clicking the button below.

Functional strength

Very basic strength training program for those looking for gains in the gym without losing functional health. Includes compound lifts like deadlift and bench press for gains and complimentary exercise to enhance movement.